This week’s electrogram interpretation: This patient is in the lab for an SVT study. A four-catheter EP study was performed with the catheters in the standard locations. The following series of electrograms were recorded during baseline extra-stimulus testing. ...
This week’s electrogram interpretation: What is observed throughout the following electrogram? Two quadripolar catheters are being utilized. One is locate near the His bundle (although no H is observed), and the second is in the RV. *Bonus – Are...
This week’s electrogram interpretation: What is observed in this electrogram with decremental CS pacing? Answer Accessory Pathway Block This example demonstrates decremental pacing from CS 9,10… pacing faster and faster by small...
This week’s electrogram interpretation: What is observed in this electrogram with CS pacing? Answer No Capture This example demonstrates pacing at a fixed rate from CS 9,10. Notice how the atrial signal appears before the pacing artifact. With...