This week’s electrogram interpretation: 


What is observed in the following electrogram? 




AV Wenckebach



  • Atrial decremental pacing is occurring via CS 9,10.   Notice the narrow QRS complex; therefore, we are not pacing/capturing the ventricle. There is also saturation of the CS 9,10 channel.
  • Atrial capture is observed by immediate atrial signal following the pacing artifact in the adjacent channels.
  • Crossover is observed right before AV block. Notice that the next pacing artifact and atrial capture is observed before the V from the previous pacing impulse.
  • The next impulse is delivered and captures the atrium, but does not conduct to the ventricle = AV Block.
  • The next impulse is able to capture the atrium and conduct to the ventricles.
  • This is the normal pattern of AV Wenckebach…. the AV will increasingly prolong until blocked. At which point, the next AV interval will be shorter again and the pattern continues.

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If you like this, find hundreds of electrograms to interpret in our Understanding EP workbook – included in the Understanding EP book set.

For more information:  EP Essentials – Understanding EP: A Comprehensive Approach