3D Map Interpretation – 8

Identify the the views, anatomy, map type, and interpretation. Answer Right Superior Pulmonary Vein Tachycardia This activation map is of a focal tachycardia originating from the right superior pulmonary artery. When the impulse exits the vein, the rest of the atrium...

3D Map Interpretation – 7

Identify the the views, anatomy, map type, interpretation, and ablation target.       Answer Right Atrial Scar Flutter   This is a right atrial flutter; however, it is not typical isthmus dependent. This reentrant circuit travels through a channel in-between two...

3D Map Interpretation – 6

Let’s combine looking at 3D images along with the corresponding electrograms to determine entrance block.     This 3D geometry was created for a pulmonary vein isolation procedure for atrial fibrillation. We are viewing the posterior wall of the left atrium. The...

3D Map Interpretation – 5

Identify the view and anatomy in this Acutus image of the LA.      Answer This is a PA view of the left atrium. We are observing the posterior wall and pulmonary veins, the left atrial appendage is also able to be seen.   Propagation Map: In this same...

3D Map Interpretation – 4

Identify the view, anatomy, type of map, and interpretation of the following 3D image.      Answer This is an LAT map of the RA from a Rhythmia system. The image is viewed from the AP slightly caudal perspective. The cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) is displayed, but...

3D Map Interpretation – 3

Identify the views, anatomy, displayed catheter, type of map, and interpretation of the following 3D image.  Answer Both images display the right and left atrium acquired by the Rhythmia mapping system by Boston Scientific. The first image is in the LAO view, notice...